Saturday, December 10, 2011

30 Days 'O Blogging

30 Days 'O Blogging
or How I Plan to Increase My Creative Velocity

I call them 30 Day Jaunts. 
30 days of doing something daily: 

creates breakthroughs 
creates velocity
creates accountability

I do art everyday, I write everyday 
and I now I want to have a breakthrough with blogging.
I love writing blogposts, but only make the time to do so sporadically. 

Daily blogging will give me an opportunity to explore different ways of sharing my art and my process.

 Daily blogging will force me to increase the speed at which I create and post.

Daily blogging will hold me accountable. 

30 Days 'O Blogging 
Starts Now.


  1. Daily blogging!
    I can say from experience that without my blog I would not be who I am today. It's a great way to express yourself and learn and grow.
